Make peace with food & start feeling at home within yourself.
Find freedom from the confinements of diet culture, eating disorders, & food negativity. Start working today with our licensed dietitians who specialize in treating eating disorders & any dissatisfaction with food + body.
Eating doesn't have to be so hard.
We can help.
We are a team of dietitians who practice from a Health At Every Size (R) lens and hold specialized certifications in eating disorders and intuitive eating. With our specialized training, we know exactly how to help you identify the things standing in the way and know how to help you work through them, step by step.
Why work with us?
We meet you where you’re at.
We believe that there’s no such thing as someone who is unmotivated, bad, or lazy. We believe that what stands in the way of making the changes you want are blocks - emotional or practical - or unconscious negative beliefs. We work with you to identify what is getting in the way so that you can live the life you want to live. We personalize our care based on your needs and where you are at to create solutions in collaboration with you.
We’re experts in this field.
Our team has extensive training and experience working with eating disorders, disordered eating, and body dissatisfaction. Each person at Mindful Eats has several years of experience treating eating disorders and food and body image issues and most have previously worked at eating disorder treatment centers. Most of our RDs additionally hold advanced certifications in eating disorders and intuitive eating.
We’re inclusive, trauma informed, & HAES oriented.
We believe that all bodies are good bodies and all people are good people who deserve care. We also believe that there is no such thing as someone who is unmotivated and doesn’t get it. Instead, we know that there are things - logistical and emotional - that get in the way of forward movement in our lives. We work with you to identify these blocks and find a path that works for you.

Who We Work With
We work with people who are seeking support in eating disorder recovery, families caring for loved ones with eating disorders, and anyone looking to find peace with food and their body. For nutrition therapy, we also support people with health issues such as PCOS, diabetes, thyroid issues, high cholesterol and other health conditions who are looking to find non-diet solutions that contribute to better quality of life and long-term health while also making peace with food.
Ages We Work With: We work with individuals of all ages (young children, adolescents, adults). We also work with families looking for support in feeding their families without stress and conflict, and we also provide parent coaching and support for parents supporting their children with eating disorders.
Begin your journey with us!
We care about your peace & wellbeing.
We know that eating and being in your body or listening to your body cues can sometimes feel inaccessible or unsafe. We also know that reaching your goals with health and wellbeing can feel overwhelming. Our dietitians know how to guide you to feeling at home in your body again so you can find a way of living that helps you feel your best.
Schedule with a dietitian or EFFT parent coach:
Are you a clinician looking for clinical supervision or consultation? Click here!
We can help you with…
Intuitive Eating & Non-Diet
We use an “intuitive eating”, “all foods fit,” mindfulness approach to working on food and your relationship with food. If you are tired of being stuck in the diet cycle and want to make peace with food, we would love to help you do that. We promise not to sell you any gimmicks or put you on restrictive food plans in the process! Intuitive eating is a process
Eating Disorders & Disordered Eating
We believe that those struggling with eating disorders and disordered eating can achieve full recovery no matter the complexity or severity of your struggles. We are part of a unique group of professionals in Houston who have been specially trained to work with eating disorders and disordered eating.
PCOS & Women’s Health
Sometimes women face particularly challenging health issues where the nutrition messages can be confusing, overwhelming, and inconsistent. We take our mindfulness approach and apply it to the specific health concerns women face, including needs such as PCOS, pregnancy, fertility & more as well as helping you tailor your nutrition to your specific needs.
Child & Family Nutrition
Our team is trained in pediatric nutrition and can help with picky eating as well as your child’s nutrition and healthy weight…
We provide customized diabetes management, helping our clients come up with realistic goals and plans that can improve glycemic control and be maintained for a lifetime.
Heart Health
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. Here’s the good news: While we can’t change our age or family history or other genetic risk factors, there are choices within your control to help you stay heart healthy. Let’s start with what you’re eating.
Services NOT provided: Meal plans, weight loss, fitness regimens
Insurances Accepted:
Not Sure Where to Start?
Fill out an inquiry form and tell us a little bit about what you'd like to be seen for. Our office assistant will be in touch soon!